TEKAŠKO LETO 2017 // RUNNING YEAR 2017 Po dolgem času se mi je spet malo zaluštalo, da kaj objavim. Odločil sem se, da naredim povzetek številk, zame rekordnega tekaškega leta. Čeprav sem bil zaradi bolezni (KVČB) športno neaktiven kar lep čas (17.4.2017 - 27.6.2017), sem z izkupičkom zelo zadovoljen. Konec koncev, je to moja rekordna tekaška sezona. ;) After a long time, it was time for me to publish something. I decided to make a summary, of for me a record breaking year. Although I was inactive for quite some time (April 17, 2017 - June 27, 2017) due to illness (IBD), I am very satisfied with the results. After all, this is my record breaking season. ;) Pa sem sedel za računalnik, nadel slušalke (poslušal sem to + to) in začelo je nastajati to: So I sat behind the laptop, put headphones on (listened to this + this) and this started to come together: Vse zahvale za podane številke, gredo mojemu zvestemu spremljevalcu ;) Suunto Ambit3 Vertical White HR Ura mi odlično služi že več kot leto dni. Prvič sem jo preizkusil 4.8.2016 in od takrat je vedno z mano na športnih aktivnostih. Upam, da še bo dolgo služila svojemu namenu ;) All thanks for the given numbers go to my faithful companion ;) Suunto Ambit3 Vertical White HR Watch has served me well over a year now. I tried it for the first time on 4.8.2016 and since then it has always been with me on sports activities. I hope it will serve me for many years to come ;) No, pa si poglejmo nekaj številk. V letu 2017 sem naredil 75 tekaških treningov, za kar sem porabil dobrih 34 ur. Pretekel pa sem dobrih 370 kilometrov. Vem, da to ni oh in sploh rezultat, vem pa tudi, da je bistveno več, kot zase naredi večina populacije :D Vsak po svoje, to je moj rekord! Well, let's look at some numbers. In 2017, I did 75 trainings, for which I spent little more than 34 hours and I ran more than 370 kilometers. I know that this is not something to mention for many runners, but I also know that it is significantly more than most people train. Remember, This is my record! Peak Training Effect - PTE Kaže učinek treninga na vašo največjo aerobno učinkovitost in je najbolj natančen pri srednji in visoki intenzivnosti. Meritev pa je odvisna od trenutne stopnje telesne pripravljenosti. Bolj fit ko si, bolj oziroma intenzivneje moraš trenirati, da dosežeš še višji PTE. PTE indicates the impact of a training session on your maximum aerobic performance and is most accurate with medium and high intensity training. The measurement is relative to your current fitness level. The fitter you are, the harder you have to work to reach a higher PTE. Heart Rate Zones Območja srčnega utripa mi je določil Suunto, glede na leta. Za res natančno določena območja bi se moral predati kakšnemu strokovanju, a zame je ta podatek dovolj dober. Se pa zavedam, da 190 BPM ni moj maksimalni srčni utrip, saj je bil že večkrat presežen. My heart rate zones were set by Suunto, according to my age. For really well-defined areas, I would have to go to some kind of professional to set my zones, but for me this information from Suunto is good enough. I am aware that the 190 BPM is not my maximum heart rate, as it has been exceeded many times. Training Load Trend Spremljanje trenda obremenitev je pomembno, saj s tem zagotovimo, da vedno treniramo na optimalnem nivoju na poti do svojega cilja in se izognemo preobremenitvi. Da dobimo celotno sliko, Suunto beleži ''recovery time'' vseh treningov in nam tako izriše trend obremenitev. Idealno je če trend obremenitve variira, saj tako dopustimo telesu, da si spočije med visoko intenzivnimi treningi. To understand how much you are pushing your body, Suunto Movescount tracks the recovery time from each of your exercises to illustrate your load over time with a trend graph. Ideally the load trend should vary, allowing your body to rest between high intensity exercises. Trends Suunto Movescount avtomatsko analizira naše aktivnosti in tako postreže z informacijo, kako se naši rezultati spreminjajo skozi čas. Na tem grafu vidimo najhitrejši čas na kilometer za posamezni mesec. Upam, da mi letos uspe spraviti pikice pod trend linijo bližje le tej. Naučite se kako slediti napredku z Movescount. Suunto Movescount automatically analyses the most popular endurance sports to help you identify trends and see how your performance has changed over a longer period of time. On this graph you can see fastest time per kilometer for individual month. I hope, that this year I will be able to get the dots under the trend line closer to it. Learn how to track progress with Movescount. Tu pa še je statistika za posamezni parameter, za vsa mesec posebaj. Here are some stats for each parameter, for each month individually. Worst case scenario, I am still happy. Best case scenario, I am damn pumped
1 Comment
7/1/2024 12:25:07
sem z izkupičkom zelo zadovoljen. Konec koncev, je to moja rekordna tekaška sezona? Greeting : <a href="https://journals.telkomuniversity.ac.id/">Telkom University</a>
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